Impressions on Your Children

- On 12 Dec 2013
Joel 1:3 Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell
their children, and their children another generation.
multiplication Principal always amazes me. Whether the reason for
that is my excitement for math or my excitement to see the Truth of
God spread throughout the globe, the premise remains the same. The
impact, influence, or impression of one human being can reach
entire families, entire churches or schools, and even entire
The prophet, Joel, in this passage of Scripture is
speaking God's Words of forgiveness and restoration to the
plague-ravaged people of Israel. He urges them to turn to the Lord
and tells of the merciful blessings that God promises to pour out
on them if they only will. I want to examine applying this verse to
our lives today in discussing what we are passing on to our
children. I have heard it said: "The me I'll be is the me I see"
and where I will see it is in my children. I have been amazed over
the years (and my oldest is only 4) to see my children struggling
in a certain area and I am able to pinpoint an apathy or lack of
effort in that same area on my part (I will only say on my part
because my wife does no wrong..yes, we are still in the honeymoon
I remember being told by a few wiser and older
saints through the years that God will greatly challenge and grow
you through your own children. I have seen this prove true and want
to challenge you to not only see the poor choices of your children
(or students) as opportunities to train and teach them, but also as
opportunities to self-evaluate and determine what kind of example
you are being in that area.
By Michael Stewart