Welcome to Embassy Academy! Thank you for stopping by to learn more about our school. Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions in life and should be made through prayer and discernment. EA exists to train students to do much more than be academically prepared for college; central to our mission is developing leaders to impact their culture for Christ academically, athletically, artistically and socially.
Embassy Academy is a place where all students regardless of race, gender, or social class will experience a learning environment free of bias and criticism. Every child is special and unique in his or her own way. We at Embassy Academy believe that true leaders can be fostered in an environment where individuality is accepted rather than discouraged.
We as parents work hard to instill Christian morals and values into our children, but often times despite our good efforts, our children fall victim to the pressure of worldly conformity placed upon them by their peers. Beginning during childhood through adolescence, children start to develop their sense of value and self-worth
During these vital stages of mental and emotional development, it is important that children are constantly reaffirmed of their identity in Christ. We all have an innate desire for love and acceptance, causing good children to sometimes yield to the pressures of their peers in order to meet that desire..
John 17:15-17 records one of many of Jesus� prayers in which he says �I�m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They do not belong to this world any more than I do. Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.� Embassy Ministries has created a school to educate children while keeping them safe; training them to become the lights of the world.
Embassy Academy is committed to the parent as well as the student. We believe that a successful education of a child begins with the parent.